Art Therapy in Education

Whilst an art therapist working in private practice can be a useful point of referral for school psychologists, counsellors and learning support teachers, schools in the United States and Great Britain (in both the state and private sectors) are increasingly recognizing the benefits of working more closely with art therapists, sometimes employing them on a full or part-time basis to complement existing provision.  Whatever the arrangement, an art therapist working closely with a school will be able to respond quickly to pupils’ and staff needs, helping to facilitate learning and development and enhancing the well-being of the wider school community. Typical services might include:art therapy schools

  • Regular individual or group sessions within school time for pupils with cognitive, behavioral or emotional problems.
  • Shorter term group art therapy sessions to deal with specific difficulties, for example to prepare pupils for the change from junior to senior school or to deal with peer relationship problems such as bullying.
  • Group art therapy workshops for staff to help them understand art therapy and even incorporate some of the principles of art therapy into the classroom and also to improve staff relations.