Recent Work

Mother Basket 1

Mother Basket 1

stitching up 1 detail

Stitching Up I, detail

detail good enough

Good Enough II, detail

stitching up 7 detail

Stitching Up 6, detail

mother material google metro

Mother Material, detail

Twisted Vessel detail

Twisted Vessel detail


Good Enough III, detail

Good Enough III, detail










Recently I’ve been exploring further the possiblities of recycled natural, textile and household items as well as bits and bobs found in skips and old works and fragments from the studio to create mainly 3D Works.  I think I’m always trying to transmit something about transcience and permanence,, distruction and reparation, choas and containment,  memory and loss.  I am also just playing around with materials, investigating their possibilities, joining diverse and often contrary things together and delighting in the all that is surprising and often moving in the process.  Part of it all is about cherishing the beauty in worn-out, discarded things, the things we overlook on the studio floor or in the bottom of drawers.  To be honest part of it is just about faffing aound and having fun.   But there is purpose to the process and it actually feels like a serious sort of faffing, if that makes sense. On a more formal level, in most of these works, I am fascinated by the interplay between the objects and their negative spaces and their shadows which are an integral part of the work.